Alexa Noble

I love people and for almost 10 years I have been helping people save money and make money.  If saving is your priority, I will show you how to stop paying more than you need or settling for a sub-standard service for your home services in one simple step with no hassle! 

And if you feel you have too much stress and lack time, money or both and that’s holding you back from more a fun-filled and less financially pressured life, I can show you how passive income and one-off life experiences can change that.

I would love to find out more about you and your business.  My goal is to create a positive impact on everyone I meet and for you to be in a better position than before we met.  Use this diary link to book a date and time that works for you and I look forward to interesting conversations.


Alexa is a member of the Bournemouth and surrounding areas group.


Cengiz Ilhan


Steve Perkins